Workplace safety

We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe workplace culture, by raising awareness of risks and fostering responsible behaviour by all

Our primary objective is to protect our people and as such we continuously work together internally across the various companies within the Group, as well as involving suppliers, clients and external partners in the process

A team made up of specialized resources (HR management, Head of Protection and Prevention, a qualified physician and Employee Health & Safety representative) is responsible for ensuring our workplaces are safe and conform with prevailing laws and regulations, for drawing up guidelines, coordinating monitoring systems and, where necessary, developing programs to improve safety conditions.


Regular analysis and checks are carried out to detect potential workplace hazards and identify and evaluate any risks. Measures to contain and eliminate risks include numerous health and safety training programs tailored to the types of risks and occupational profiles providing appropriate equipment and devices for individuals and groups; personal and collective protective devices and equipment; any organizational arrangements necessary to ensure maximum safety of workers within the work environment. We constantly update our Risk Evaluation Document (DVR, short for Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi): This map out potential risks associated with the various activities involved in carrying out our business. For every activity, we identify all possible hazards and evaluate risk levels, considering preventative measures and protection initiatives in place that are designed to eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level. We use the results of workplace injury analysis reports and absenteeism rates as our key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of the actions we take to promote health and safety. 

The absenteeism rate is less than 3% (calculated by counting hours not at work after deducting holidays and other leave types) was extremely satisfactory, particularly given the pandemic context.

We have always been committed to supporting colleagues facing or involved in the experience of parenthood, using parental leave in compliance with current regulations and local legislation. As of 30 April 2024, 245 employees of Sesa Group had made use of parental leave. This equates to 7.1% of the entire female workforce and 3.0% of male staff.

Goal 8 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is Decent Work and Economic Growth, and this deals with workplace health and safety. It encourages companies to adopt practices that limit risks as much as possible, pushing for stakeholders (first and foremost, employees) to be involved in the process.

 We are committed to this goal.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals