Overview and model

Through an integrated management system, we ensure that our business is managed in accordance with corporate governance best practices.

Sesa’s corporate governance structure is aligned with national and international best practices and complies with the principles set forth in the Corporate Governance Code (formerly the Self-Regulatory Code) of Listed Companies.

Our objective is to pursue sustainable success through the creation of long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders, as also formalised in our Articles of Association. Furthermore, Sesa acts within the reference framework of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the fundamental Conventions of the ILO, and on the basis of its Code of Ethics, which is also an integral part of the Organisational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. n. 231/2001.

Sesa intends to pursue an effective ESG strategy, in line with the model of sustainable value creation for stakeholders. A choice that is translated into programmes and actions, through a transparent governance model, capable of managing risks in an integrated manner and monitoring projects and new investments.

 The body in which the company’s will is formed and expressed, then implemented by the Board of Directors. It is composed of the shareholders who meet from time to time to pass resolutions in the manner and on matters defined by the provisions of the law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Among the most important tasks of the Shareholders’ Meeting are the selection of the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Control Committee, as well as the approval of the annual financial statements;

It carries out the strategic supervision of the Group and verifies its implementation. It is chaired by Paolo Castellacci and it consists of 10 members (the number of which is determined by the Shareholders’ Meeting on the basis of the Articles of Association): 4 directors are executive and 6 are non-executive, of which 5 are independent.
The Board of Directors is also responsible for the definition of the Code of Ethics, values and the preparation of this Annual Report, which outlines policies, risks and performance on financial, environmental, people-related, social, human rights and anti-corruption issues. The composition of the Board of Directors complies with the pro tempore regulations on gender balance (out of a total of ten members, the number of women is four, all independent), and the average age of the Board members is 57. As per best practice, the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors is separate from the role of Chief Executive Officer.

The person of Mr. Alessandro Fabbroni, is in charge of the corporate, operational and financial management as well as the implementation of strategic guidelines. 

It monitors the compliance with legal, regulatory and statutory provisions, the compliance with the principles of proper administration, the adequacy of organisational and accounting structures, and the functionality of the overall internal control system. The Committee, which is part of the Board of Directors, is composed of three directors who meet the requirements of honourableness and professionalism laid down in the Articles of Association and the requirements of independence laid down in Article 2409 septiesdecies.

Is a proactive advisory body with the main task of making proposals to the Board of Directors for the definition of the remuneration policy for Directors and executives with strategic responsibilities.

The purpose of the Committee is also to ensure the transparency and balanced composition of the Board, guaranteeing an adequate number of independent directors. The integration of the Appointment Committee’s functions with those attributed to the Remuneration Committee was decided for reasons of organisation and internal efficiency of the Board, as well as in consideration of the close correlation between the competences of the Company’s pre-existing Remuneration Committee and those attributed to the Appointment Committee pursuant to the Corporate Governance Code.

A body with advisory and consulting functions that has the task of supporting, with an adequate preliminary activity, the evaluations and decisions of the Board of Directors relating to the internal control and risk management system, as well as those relating to the preparation of periodic financial reports.

It assist the Board of Directors with investigative functions, of a propositional and consultative nature, in evaluations and decisions relating to sustainability issues, also understood as Environmental, Social and Governance, connected to the exercise of the company’s activity and its dynamics of interaction with all stakeholders, to corporate social responsibility, to the examination of scenarios for the preparation of the strategic plan also based on the analysis of relevant issues for the generation of long-term value.

Our Corporate Governance

Endoconsiliar committees