ESG target

Our ESG targets represent a commitment to long-term sustainability Sustainability is important and represents a fundamental lever for future business strategies and an essential factor for the success of the Group

Sustainability, a fundamental part of the Group’s values, is a key element of our business model. We are committed to protecting all the capitals of sustainable development starting with the environment. Building a sustainable future is a major challenge for both people and businesses.


We have defined sustainability targets to further reduce both our direct environmental impact, through the procurement of green electricity from third parties and the increase in the share of self-produced electricity from renewable sources, and the indirect one, through the new business line dedicated to the offer of technologies and services to support environmental sustainability.


Also through the Foundation that bears our name, we have always promoted social initiatives and projects. It is important to pay attention not only to economic and financial management but to the people and social needs of the communities in which we operate. The development of activities with social purposes is the common heritage of the entire Group. We contribute to the promotion and dissemination of digital skills, particularly in the economic field, through constant collaboration with local institutions: training institutes, universities and economic organizations.


Leadership in the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion in the technological innovation sector and digital transformation services for the business segment. The creation of sustainable value over time comes from the environment, but it also concerns the way we interact with our stakeholders.

The result of our commitments is reflected in the increased involvement and motivation of Human Resources and the improvement of risk management and mitigation, which in turn generate a more sustainable and transparent organization. Creating a positive and inclusive workplace is crucial for innovation and growth, not least because a better corporate reputation helps attract and retain talent. We have set ourselves the goal of establishing and monitoring specific targets that lead to an increase in the share of women and minorities.

The targets below are part of our broader sustainability strategy. Defined with the intention of contributing to the achievement of 7 of the 17 macro-objectives described by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we are committed to contributing to the generation of positive change globally.

The group’s commitment to sustainability also materialized with the integration of key ESG drivers in the variable components of the monetary remuneration of top management, with an incidence of non-financial parameters of around 50%.
