We adopt a governance model aimed at fostering the creation of long-term sustainable value and a virtuous collaboration between company and stakeholders
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As of August 2021, we have adopted a one-tier management and control system, one of the most widespread international standards, and have also included in our articles of association the objective of sustainable growth for the board of directors and key figures of the Group
The Governance of Sustainability
The Board of Directors guides the company by pursuing its sustainable success also through the definition of Group strategies.
In this regard, it should be noted that on 12 July 2022, based on the work carried out during the last financial year by the Corporate Sustainability Operating Committee, the Board of Directors established an internal Sustainability Committee within the board, with advisory and propositive functions to support the Board of Directors and the CEO in the field of sustainability.
The numbers:

The Board of Directors
Performs the strategic supervision of the Group and monitors its implementation.
It consists of 10 members of which 5 are independent and 4 are women

Management Control
Supervisory bodies of the one-tier system monitoring compliance with the law and observance of the principles of proper management

The Audit
and Risk and Related Parties Committee
Has the task of supporting the board of directors' assessments and decisions concerning the internal control and risk management system

Has the task of making proposals to the Board of Directors for the definition of the remuneration policy for Directors and Executives with strategic responsibilities