Sustainable Suppliers

We want to build a trust relationship with our customers and suppliers based on the principles of fairness and transparency

Value chain and supply chain related risks are carefully monitored and mitigated through preliminary analyses and requests of documentation through which customers and suppliers can be thoroughly assessed according to compliance rules

Selection of new suppliers based on sustainability criteria

In our relationship with our suppliers, we adopt principles of fairness and transparency, selection procedures that are conducted with impartiality and according to rules that include quality assurance, technical and professional competence, ethical and behavioural aspects, compliance with applicable regulatory standards and cost-effectiveness in the provision of goods, services and works.

The Code of Ethics of the Group includes a specific section dedicated to relations with suppliers, which must be managed in accordance with the principles of maximum cooperation, availability, professionalism, and compliance with principles of transparency, equality, loyalty, fairness, and competition.

Compliance by each supplier with the principles set out in the Group’s Code of Ethics is decisive for the establishment of the contractual relationship.

The selection of new suppliers is inspired by fairness and transparency criteria; its aim is to identify partners capable of balancing business needs, from a cost/performance point of view, while minimising the potential exposure of the company to any risk.

As part of the supplier selection process, the companies of the Sesa Group will appropriately assess the characteristics, economic and financial soundness (also based on self-certification), and reliability of the suppliers, also by consulting public or system databases or by using dedicated certified information services.

The supplier selection process will also take into account the supplier’s commitment to comply with the Organizational Model required by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 adopted by the Group or whether the supplier has its own Code of Ethics with principles that are consistent with those of the Sesa Group.

Supplier assessment activities at 30 April 2024:

strategic suppliers assessed
high sustainability risk strategic suppliers assessed
total suppliers assessed

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