With the Manifesto of Sustainability, we affirm the Group’s commitment to contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda
The SDGs are the values we adopted in our operations; they are strongly related to our strategic objective of being a leading player in Italy in the field of technological innovation and digital transformation services for the business segment
The chart below provides a schematic view of sustainability programmes, with the 4 pillars that underpin our growth strategy:

Sustainability Governance
Sustainable growth in corporate bylaws as strategic target of Sesa Bord of Directors (2021 Extraordinary Meeting)
Model 231 and Code of Ethics (also shared with the supply chain)
Obtaining the most important certifications and awards at Group level
Integrated management of ESG issues at Group level (Sustainability Committee)
Environmental responsibility
- Programmes aimed to reduce the consumption of natural resources
- Programmes aimed to produce energy from renewable sources and for green procurement
Complete reporting of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
Obtaining UNI EN ISO 14001 environmental certification for the main Group companies
Carbon Neutrality programs in line with European directives (Agenda 2030)
Lines of business dedicated to renewable energy and circular economy
Group Environmental Policy
ESG targets included in the Sesa Group Annual Integrated Report
Conflict Minerals Policy
Appointment Mobility Manager (2022)
Human Resources and Welfare
Enterprise welfare as a work-life balance and well-being tool for human resources:
– Scholarships for the children of employees
– Sustainable mobility programmes
– Diversity and inclusion programmes
– Work–life balance programmes (psychological help and microcredit)
Appointment Diversity Manager (2022)
Specific training on ESG, Human Rights, Agenda 2030
Increased number of training hours
- Increasing integration of ESG objectives into the MBOs of all key Group resources
Social and economic development
Value generation in a responsible way for social communities and all stakeholders
Improving quality life of people, organizations and environment through digital transformation
Sesa Foundation: no-profit corporate organization committed to charity, welfare and social community programs
Stakeholder Relations Team dedicated to stakeholder engagement as an integral part of the Group’s ESG strategy