It is also crucial to understand in depth the emerging trends (criticalities and opportunities) in the reference context in which the organisation lives and operates, and to identify the issues on which to invest as a priority, in response to the expectations of key stakeholders
For the Group, value creation is a long-term issue, that benefits all stakeholders. We consider all subjects that are stakeholders – implicit or explicit – insofar as they are affected by its activities.
The table below provides a list of identified stakeholders and the main channels of listening and discussion established by the Group:
Stakeholders | Dialogue modes |
Employees |
Group welfare programmes HR Support and communication platforms Work-life balance programmes Engagement initiatives on issues of ethics and organisational culture Skills development and career development programmes Organisational climate enhancement and improvement programmes |
Financial Community |
Regular and transparent disclosure of financial information Investor Relations platform dedicated to investor relations Best practice in drafting and publishing information Shareholders’ Meetings Regular meetings with analysts and investors Dedicated bilingual section on the website |
Contractual Partners |
Roadshows with sales networks and operators National and local meetings and conventions Workshop Dedicated communication channels (web, mailing, social) Qualification and Evaluation Process |
Customers |
Communication channels dedicated to customers (web, mailing) Social network Newsletter |
Community |
Participation in multi-stakeholder tables Meetings with representatives of institutions and associations Corporate contact points dedicated to media and institutional relations (Head of institutional relations) Organisation of events Partnerships with local authorities for the organisation of sports and philanthropic events |
Environment |
Meetings with Human Resources Dedicated communication channels (web, mailing) Workshop Engagement initiatives on environmental issues Meetings with stakeholders Sustainability Team ESG Rating Agencies |

Human resources are a core value of the Sesa Group and the most relevant stakeholder in terms of value generation and distribution. The skills and specialisations of human capital are the basis of the Group’s ability to offer innovative technological and digital solutions to support businesses and organisations.
The Sesa Group promotes programmes and activities to develop professionalism and diversity and improve the wellbeing and quality of working life of its human resources, applying distinctive values such as integrity, fairness, attention to people, inclusion and sustainability that guide the Group’s strategy in human capital management. Human Resources is the Stakeholder that continues to benefit most from the wealth creation achieved by the Group, greater than 60% of the total.
Main tools and initiatives to benefit our human resources:
- Group welfare programmes HR
- Support and communication platforms
- Work-life balance programmes
- Engagement initiatives on issues of ethics and organisational culture
- Skills development and career development programmes
- Organisational climate enhancement and improvement programmes
The Investor Relations function manages communication to the financial community, interacting on an ongoing basis with the various stakeholders and providing transparent and timely information. It represents the contact point for interested parties in order to establish or continue a dialogue with Sesa, and on the basis of the requests received from time to time it assesses the involvement of other specialised functions. We ensure constant, timely and transparent interaction with the financial community, using both ordinary channels for disseminating information to the market and confidential channels for dialogue between stakeholders and the company.
Main instruments and initiatives in favour of our shareholders and the financial community:
- Regular and transparent disclosure of financial information
- Investor Relations platform dedicated to investor relations
- Best practice in drafting and publishing information
- Shareholder meetings
- Regular meetings with analysts and investors
- Dedicated bilingual section on the website
We have always promoted social initiatives and projects. For us, it is important to pay attention not only to financial management but to the people and social needs of the communities in which we operate. The development of activities with a social purpose is the common heritage of the whole Group.
Main instruments and initiatives in favour of the communities in which we operate:
- Participation in multi-stakeholder tables
- Meetings with representatives of institutions and associations
- Corporate contact points dedicated to media and institutional relations (Head of Institutional Relations)
- Organising events
- Partnerships with local authorities for the organisation of sports and philanthropic events
We believe it is essential to establish a relationship of trust with our customers, based on principles of fairness and transparency. The creation of sustainable value finds expression in relationships with customers, companies and organisations based on continuous processes of collaborative dialogue.
Main tools for dialogue and involvement of our customers and target companies:
- Dedicated customer communication channels (e.g. web, mailing)
- Social network
- Newsletter
We develop advanced technology solutions and digital services in partnership with leading international vendors in the sector, aimed at the main Italian economic and European manufacturing clusters, supporting customers in their path to innovation and business development.
We are particularly keen on dialogue with our suppliers and sharing good practices, both on technical aspects related to business activities and on aspects aimed at promoting responsible behaviour.
We believe, in fact, that transparent and constant dialogue is the basis of any relationship based on trust, an essential element to foster joint growth, fruitful cooperation and mutual satisfaction.
Main tools for dialogue and involvement of our suppliers and business partners
- Roadshows with sales networks and operators
- National and local meetings and conventions
- Workshop
- Dedicated communication channels (web, mailing, social)
- Qualification and Evaluation Process
Relations with institutions cover both the economic dimension (payment of taxes and levies) and the social dimension (relations with local and international institutions, sector authorities, professional and institutional collaborations, etc.), in accordance with current legislation and the Group’s Code of Ethics .
Public institutions represent partners for the realisation of initiatives useful to generate positive effects on the territory and the quality of life of citizens, also by virtue of the essential nature of the services provided by the Group and their impact on communities.
The partnership between Sesa and the institutions aims to implement initiatives for the development of the local area and to promote a growth model based on the sustainable use of resources.
We believe in talent development. That is why we value education and collaborate with schools and universities through innovative teaching methods and projects dedicated to young people.
We contribute to the promotion and dissemination of e-skills, particularly in the economic sphere through constant cooperation with universities and business organisations and training institutes.
Below is a list of the main instruments for dialogue and involvement with universities and training institutions:
- organisation of meetings and workshops
- collaborations for research projects
- collaborations for internships and apprenticeships
Aware of and committed to the fight against the climate changes that are affecting our planet, we are sensitive to the issue of environmental protection as a resource for the well-being of mankind, and are committed to working to safeguard the environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
We believe in the urgent need to reconcile economic growth with balanced value generation for the benefit of all stakeholders and to protect the environment and future generations.
Main instruments and initiatives in favour of the environment and future generations:
- environmental policies and sustainable industrial development
- reducing emissions and combating climate change
- monitoring and controlling the progress of company actions in terms of environmental impact
Aware of our social role, we have embarked on a path to orient the organisation and its business activities in the direction defined by the 17 SDGs. The development of the industrial development plan and ESG objectives co-exist and are interconnected in order to bring a concrete contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.
With this in mind, the Group’s policies and practices are aligned with the International Bill of Human Rights, including the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Guidelines of the Organisation for Co-operation and Economic Development (OECD) for Multinational Enterprises as well as the Ten Principles of the United Nations GlobalCompact.
Our capitals
In line with this evolution, Sesa is implementing an integrated value creation approach by developing a virtuous circle between corporate mission and value generation for stakeholders.
In particular, the commitment to articulate an innovative and distinctive offer led Sesa to the development of an integrated model of shared value creation, achieved by valorising:
- the human capital by enabling people to constantly im-prove their skills and understanding within the Group’s strategy;
- the infrastructure capital, the capillary network present throughout the national territory and the strong presence abroad;
- the social and environmental capital by monitoring and minimising the impact of its activities on environ-mental resources and on the communities in which the Group operates;
- the relational capital by sharing behavioural and rela-tional values with partners, suppliers and stakeholders;
- the organisational and financial capital by enhancing the development of its services through research and innovation processes along the entire chain.